Enterprise Modelling


The INTEROP-NoE (Interoperability Research for Networked Enterprises Applications and Software - Network of Excellence) project (IST-2003-508011) lasted from 2003-11-01 to 2007-04-30 .

With the project emphasis on network building, dissemination of project results has been an activity of major importance. The following list provides an overview of the different activities that have been carried out:amonmg it the I-ESA International INTEROP Conferences, held in Geneva 2005, Bordeaux 2006 and Funchal 2007 with a total of 800 participating researchers from academia and industry.

We estimate that during the project, the results of the project activities have reached 2500 researchers worldwide  Besides the efforts on network building, INTEDROP has created early pilot products from its research activities as well: INTEROP-VLab, a European research organisation, located in Brussels has been established as follow-on organisation. The Vlab will co-ordinate, develop and promote the research on Enterprise Interoperability through a number of newly established regional partner organisations (so far poles in France, Germany, UK and China established, four more in preparation).The German pole, DIF (Deutsches Forum fuer Interoperabilitaet) is located in Berlin. The CIMOSA Association is partner in the DIF.

INTEROP Project organisation

INTEROP-NoE , with its focus on the interoperability and synergy between the domains of Enterprise Modelling, Ontology and Architecture & Platform, can be described
in three clusters of project work packages, complemented by task forces:

1.) Integrating activities (WP1 to WP4): Selection and installation of a collaboration platform (www.interop-noe.org); Design of a Knowledge Map with a query function for interoperability
research, a classification framework (taxonomy) and a prototype for data collection (Protégé); Definition of a model for the definition of the INTEROP Virtual Laboratory to persist after the
termination of the project.

2.) Joint research activities (WP5 to WP9): Analysis of how to classify, organise and map existing enterprise modelling languages, taking into account semantic requirements; Definition of a
framework and a methodology for the management and the synchronisation of distributed enterprise models; Collection of interoperability good practices and solutions as well as a
proposition of design principles and patterns for interoperability; Production of state of the art documents on “Ontology-based integration of enterprise modelling and architectures &
platforms” and on “Model driven and dynamic, federated enterprise architectures and interoperability”.

3.) Dissemination and spreading of excellence activities (WP10 to WP12): Initial elaboration of a glossary of interoperability terms; Definition of a list of Web courses and tutorials to be
developed; Initial rules for the creation of an Interoperability Master Program; Co-ordinated organisation of and participation in a large number of events like international conferences and
workshops, the most significant of them being the International Conferences on Interoperability for Enterprise Applications and Software (I-ESA), held at Geneva (2005), Bordeaux (2006), Funchal (2007) and Berlin (2008). Most of the results are available as public deliverables

The Joint Programme of Activities of  INTEROP-NoE and ATHENA-IP  in the 6FP aims to:

Why is Interoperability so important
Research in the interoperability domain in Europe remains badly structured, fragmented, sometimes overlapping. There is no global vision of the consistency and no co-ordination between various European research centres, university laboratories, or other bodies.

What needs to be done
The roadmap for Interoperability research emphasises the need for integrating three key thematic components:

Work Plan
INTEROP intends to extract value from the sustainable integration of these thematic components and to develop industrially significant new knowledge. Network’s role will be to create the conditions of a technological breakthrough to avoid that enterprise investment be simply pulled by the incremental evolution of ICT offer. The project work plan involves several workpackages for joint research, integration and dissemination and training activities.

INTEROP partners
51 European partners from universities, research organisations and industrial enterprises with the University Bordeaux 1, France as the project co-ordinator. A core team of 18 partners consisting of University Bordeaux 1,  ADELIOR/GFI  and University Henri Poincaré Nancy (CRAN and LORIA), France; University Namur, Belgium; Fraunhofer-IPK, CIMOSA Association and University of Oldenburg, Germany; University Roma, CNR-IASI, TXT and University Torino, Italy; SINTEF, Norway; UNINOVA, Portugal; Polytecnic University Valencia and AIDIMA, Spain, University of Geneva, Switzerland, CIMMEDIA, UK have taken the lead in the project activities. CIMOSA Association together with CRAN/University Nancy was responsible for dissemination and communication.

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