Enterprise Modelling

Papers and reports:

Building International Consensus in Enterprise Integration, K. Kosanke, F.B. Vernadat, M. Zelm

Starting from the needs for enterprise engineering and integration and discussion of the state of the art the paper defines a base for building consensus on the EI issues. The GERAM (Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodologies) framework (developed by the IFAC/IFIP Task Force) is proposed for identifying the position and the relations of the different ongoing research activities in the area of enterprise engineering and integration (EE&I).

The EI-IC Project has the goal to increase international consensus on enterprise engineering and integration and to promote it in the industry with special focus on SMEs. Several workshops with international expert have been held on the research issues in enterprise engineering and integration and their results have been reported in the International Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modelling Methodologies (ICEIMT'97 International Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modelling Technology). Additional workshops will be held in several regions of Europe to disseminate information to the industry. The conference identified barriers, proposed solutions, and communicated results, thereby helping to justify the technology to industry so that key technologies can be moved profitably from the international R&D domain to broadly based implementation.

Proc. EURISCON'98 & SOFTCOM'98, Athens, Greece, 98-06-22/25


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